
Upgrading Your Video Storage Plan

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Upgrading Your Video Storage Plan:


Blue by ADT customers have the option of selecting an upgraded video storage plan that allows 30-day storage for any number of cameras that you may own. To upgrade your storage plan, follow the steps below.

From your Blue by ADT mobile app:

  1. Go to the menu from your dashboard, then choose SettingsBilling.
  2. You will be taken to the website and prompted to enter your username and password to log in. 
  3. After logging in, you will then be taken to the billing page, where you will be able to see your current Video Storage Plan. Choose  “Change Storage Plan.
  4. Currently, Blue by ADT offers one video storage plan: 
    1. Basic plan: $6/mo. for 30 days of storage for all cameras per location
  5. Choose which cameras you would like storage on, and then select “Update Plan.
  6. Please view the Terms and Conditions, select the checkbox to agree, and then click “Agree & Continue.”
  7. You will see a warning screen to not select back or refresh to allow your account to be updated.
  8. Verify your payment method and billing address and update if necessary. Once up to date or verified, select “Next.
  9. A confirmation page will appear to review your changes and you will be able to click “Finish.
  10. You will then be taken back to your billing screen and will see the new storage plan listed under Video Storage Plan.


  1. Once you have logged in you will select the menu from the left side and click Settings> enter your Master User Code > Billing.
  2. You will then be prompted to enter your username and password to log in.  
  3. After logging in, you will then be taken to the billing page, where you will be able to see your current Video Storage Plan. Choose  “Change Storage Plan.
  4. Currently, Blue by ADT offers one video storage plan: 
    1. Basic plan: $6/mo. for 30 days of storage for all cameras per location
  5. Choose which cameras you would like storage on, and then select “Update Plan.
  6. Please view the Terms and Conditions, select the checkbox to agree, and then click “Agree & Continue.”
  7. You will see a warning screen to not select back or refresh to allow your account to be updated.
  8. Verify your payment method and billing address and update if necessary. Once up to date or verified select “Next.
  9. A confirmation page will appear to review your changes and you will be able to click “Finish.
  10. You will then be taken back to your billing screen and will see the new storage plan listed under Video Storage Plan.