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Test mode turns off alarm signals going to the central monitoring station. This may be used for when you are sanding and need to prevent smoke detectors from causing alarms due or to prevent false alarms from glass break sensors when you're doing construction.

Enabling/Disabling Test Mode

To turn on test mode you can go to Settings > Monitoring > Monitoring Test Mode then select the amount of time you would like monitoring disabled. Once test mode is enabled you will see the time that the test mode will end. To re-enable monitoring, you can then click on "Enable Monitoring" on the same page to being sending alarm signals again. 

Practice Mode

When you first set up your new security system, you are placed in a 7-Day Practice Period which serves as a learning opportunity for you. This will ensure that you can practice using your system and make mistakes without worrying about the police showing up for false alarms. After this 7-day period, you will be placed in full monitoring mode by the monitoring center to ensure that your home is protected. If you would like to end your Practice Period sooner, you can follow the steps above to enable monitoring.