Under Settings, you can manage your account details, the configuration of your devices, users, alerts, notifications, your security system, and test your system.
In the account section of Settings, you can view your billing information, change your username, update your password, and change your security question.
Under devices you can manage your sensors, base, keypad, home automation devices, cameras, and your repeater. Please visit the support article for each device to learn more about what can be configured.
Your LifeShield system supports multiple users, each with a unique user code. Manage each user in this section of Settings by updating their name, managing keychain remotes associated with each user, and viewing or editing their user code.
Alerts are rules that run in the system to notify you of the system alarming, arming, troubled devices, sensors opening or closing, or camera triggers. Within alert settings you can add and delete alerts, enable and disable them, edit the triggers and notification methods for alerts, and set schedules.
Your LifeShield system supports up to 4 notification methods, which can be email or SMS, as well as push notifications to phones that you are logged into. You can add or remove a notification method or modify the destination of an email or SMS within settings to ensure the best experience with your LifeShield system.
Under the Security tab of settings you can modify global security system settings such as Exit delay, one touch arming, remote arming exit delay, auto stay, weather units, home phone line support, and a number of advanced settings. Additionally, troubled sounds for the system, which are a beep coming from the base to alert you of an issue, can be scheduled here. To turn them off completely set the silence start and end to the same time.
Users are encouraged to periodically test their system, which can be conducted by going to Test Your System > System. Here you can run sensor tests, communication tests, and siren tests. Users can also test their network configuration in the Network section to check their network ports.
In addition to testing your system and network, you can also put your system into test mode with the monitoring center in this section by disabling monitoring for up to 24 hours. When monitoring is disabled, no dispatch will occur for police, fire, or medical emergencies until the time expires. You can re-enable monitoring by going clicking "Enable Monitoring" under Monitoring Test Mode. This feature is also available under Monitoring settings as well.
In Monitoring settings you can update your pass phrase that is used to verify alarm cancellations, you can view your monitoring certificate, update your location, view your dispatch information, modify you emergency and courtesy contacts, and enable/disable monitoring for a period of time under Monitoring Test mode. All of these settings will update the central monitoring station to ensure they have the correct information in the event of an emergency. |