
Blue by ADT Security System Users

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Blue by ADT allows for multiple users, which lets you to keep track of who arms and disarms your system and who has access to settings and devices. Each user has a unique user code that they can use to arm and disarm. Only master and admin user roles can invite, add, and remove users from the system.

User roles:

  • Master user: This person has one 4-digit master code and is able to log into the App or web portal with their own username/email address and password. The master user has complete access to the entire system. The master user has access to arm/disarm, stream live, view and manage saved media, access settings and notifications, create rtules, and access billing. Example: the account holder.
  • Admin user: This person is invited by the master user and has a separate 4-digit code to arm/disarm as well as their own login for the app and web portal through their own email and password. The admin user has access to arm/disarm, stream live, view and manage saved media, access settings and notifications, and create rules. Example: a parent or the head of the household.
  • Standard user: This person is invited by the master user and has a separate 4-digit code to arm/disarm as well as their own login for the app and web portal through their own email and password. The standard user can view live and saved media and control their own notification method. Example: a younger family member or family member outside of the household.
  • Basic users: This person receives a 4-digit arming code that can only be used from the keypad. The basic user does not have a login for apps or the web portal. Example: Dog-walker, housekeeper, or someone who only needs temporary access.
  • Duress user: This user receives a 4-digit code that can only be used from the keypad. That code is used in the event of an emergency to send a silent panic signal when the system is disarmed. When used, the system appears disarmed but sends a panic signal to the monitoring center.

Master and admin users have the ability to invite or remove admin, standard, and basic users at any time.

Each user can set up their own notifications and receive alerts via push notifications, SMS text message, or email.