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History are the events that have happened in your home over the last 30 days. They include things like when you arm and disarm, your doors and windows opening, motion being detected, alerts being sent, and many other things. Events can be filtered on your web portal by type or you can search by keyword on both the mobile app and the web portal. You can also pick a date range for your events to go back to a specific time period in the last 30 days to verify something that may have happened in your home.


How many days are events stored for? 
Events are stored for 30 days. 

Can I see who armed my system? 
Arming and disarming events will note the person that armed if you have provided them a unique user code. 

What is a System Test event? 
Once every 7-10 days a system test is run on the system to ensure the base can properly communicate with the monitoring center and has broadband access.

What is a Broadband Outage? 
This is the event generated when your system disconnects from your broadband. Don't worry though, you will have cellular and battery backup for 24 hours until you're back online.