Blue by ADT security cameras can recognize familiar faces and let you know who is inside or around your home. The Blue Indoor, Wireless Outdoor, and Doorbell cameras can all distinguish unique faces that can be associated with a name from your users list or a recognized face. Any face, recognized or unrecognized, will appear in your event history, and you select which users to notify during these events. Each user will have a photo library that will be matched against any face the camera detects.
Facial recognition photos
All photos for facial recognition processing are stored in the facial recognition library, which can store up to 8 photos per user. You should ensure the highest quality photos (photos that mirror the style of a passport photo) are added, as this will improve the cameras’ ability to recognize faces.
Adding a photo to your facial recognition library
- Each user may have up to 8 photos stored for facial recognition.
- The master user can upload photos to the library for all users.
- Admin users can upload photos to any user except the master user.
- Standard users do not have access to upload any photos for facial recognition.
- The duress user cannot have a facial recognition library.
- Profile photos should follow the same format, showing the user’s face clearly. Otherwise, they could be rejected. For additional criteria for photos, please see the “Photo requirements and warning icons” section below.
- To upload a photo, go to Menu > Users > Select User > Facial Recognition Library > select + (Add).
- You will be asked to “Take a New Picture” or “Choose from Photo Library.”
- The Blue by ADT app will request to access your device’s camera or photo library for you to take or choose a picture.
- If your photo meets the requirements, it will be added to the library. If it fails, you will be asked to take or choose another photo.
- TIP: For best results, upload a clear photo of just the face.
Photo requirements and warning icon
Upload a photo similar to that used on a passport or driver’s license.
- Use an image of the face in full view that’s in color and well lit.
- Black + white photos cannot be used.
- If the photo you select does not meet the requirements, it will be rejected and will not add to your photo library.
- If a photo is in your library that does not meet these requirements, it will display with a warning icon.
Notifications for facial recognition
- When facial recognition is enabled on a camera, your event log will display events when your Blue camera sees a face.
- Face recognized—Your camera detected a face that matches one of the profile pictures for one of your users.
- Push notifications will display “face recognized,” and your events history will display the user’s name who was recognized.
- Unrecognized face—Your camera detected a face that does not match any of the profile pictures for any of your users.
- To enable or disable facial recognition for any camera:
- Go to Menu > Devices > select your Blue by ADT camera name > select Facial Recognition
- You can toggle “Familiar Faces and Unfamiliar Faces” on or off and select which users you would like to receive notifications.
- Each user manages their own notification methods under “My Profile.”
- Note: Each Blue by ADT camera will have facial recognition turned on by default.