
Emergency And Courtesy Contacts

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Emergency Contacts are the contacts that will be called first when there is an alarm. The Primary Contact is typically the master user of the account and the Secondary Contact is typically a spouse or someone that may live in the house in addition to the Primary Contact. It is highly advised that these aren't the same people to ensure if there is an emergency or false alarm that they are identified appropriately as soon as possible.

Courtesy Contacts are additional contacts that a user may set to be notified of an alarm or to be notified for fire, temperature, or water issues. This may be a member of the household, a neighbor, an in-law or others you may want to be aware of a problem. In addition to name and phone numbers for Courtesy Contacts, you can also identify the relationship to the household to help the central monitoring station during the call, as well as you can identify if a Courtesy Contact is an alarm verifier. 


Emergency contacts can be changed in your Blue by ADT web portal, the Security Touchpad and your mobile applications by going to Settings > Monitoring > Emergency Contacts and updating the appropriate information on the page. This will then be saved immediately to the Central Monitoring Station. 


Courtesy contacts can be changed in your Blue by ADT web portal, the Security Touchpad and your mobile applications by going to Settings > Monitoring > Courtesy Contacts and updating the appropriate information on the page. Setting a relationship and whether a user is someone that can verify alarms is important to help the Central Monitoring Station in handling alarms.