
LifeShield Camera Motion Detection Issues

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The LifeShield cameras support motion detection by looking for changes in pixels in an image. You can adjust the sensitivity of the motion detection from Less to More to accommodate lighting or shadows in your room, leaves on a tree, or other items that you may not want to capture. You may also adjust this setting pending the range of the space you are monitoring. For example, you may opt-in to detect more motion in a yard where you have more depth to coverage versus a room where you have less space to cover and may not want as much motion detection if shadows or light are being picked up.

In addition to motion sensitivity you can also adjust your motion zone to prevent motion in a certain area from taking an image. For example if you point a camera towards a road, you may choose to set a zone that doesn't contain the road, but does contain your driveway. 

The other option for adjusting the number of camera motion alerts you receive is to set-up a schedule based on days of the week, time of day, or based on the mode you are armed in. Through this you can set-up motion alerts in your living room that would only come in away mode to track your pets or suspicious activities in the home. Or you can set the cameras to only record from 3-6pm Monday through Friday when your kids are home alone from school to make sure they are safe. 

If you are having problems with camera motion detection, here are a few things to try: 
  1. Update the motion sensitivity - Go to Settings > Devices > Click on Your Camera, and then click Camera Motion Settings.  Slide the motion detector up or down to adjust the motion detection to your liking. 
  2. Change your motion zone - Go to Settings > Devices > Click on Your Camera, and then click Camera Motion Settings. Drag the corners of the box to set-up the zone you would like to monitor. 
  3. Choose a Different Notification Method - If you feel overwhelmed by messages coming to your email, you may also want to try push notifications. These can not be saved like emails, but they will give you a preview of the motion and are easy to swipe away from your Android or iOS devices.
  4. Set a Schedule - If you are having issues with motion detection at a certain time of day due to high traffic or the way light impacts the camera, you can set-up a custom schedule based on start and end times, the days of the week, or use the arm state. An example is only recording motion detection in a living room camera when the system is armed to prevent unnecessary clip storage when you're watching a movie or visiting with friends. 
If the above suggestions don't fix your camera motion issues, please reach out to customer support at 877-464-7437.